Pure Cotton Spunlace Nonwoven series
In 2005, cotton spunlace nonwoven patent technology which been called a great innovation in the medical industry, developed by winner medical, And registered the patent certificate in more than 30 countries around the world, such as China, the United States, the European Union, Japan, Brazil, India.
It overturned the traditional production process: Raw cotton spunlace first, and then skim. Maximuman keep the cotton fiber length and toughness from being damaged. Improve the softness of cotton adequately. Using the new technology, Cotton can be processed into cotton cloth in 2 days. However, It must be at least 2 months using the traditional process. The new technology improved the production efficiency, reduce the environment pollution and carbon emissions.
NEWS! Die verschiedenen Produkte von Winner Medical erhalten die Inter tek Green Leaf-Zertifizierung!
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