Überlegungen bei der Wahl der Schaum verbände

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Überlegungen bei der Wahl der Schaum verbände


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Überlegungen bei der Wahl der Schaum verbände 10108

Überlegungen bei der Wahl der Schaum verbändeVeranstaltung

Adhesive foam dressingIst eines der Verbrauchs materialien, die in der High-End-Wund versorgung verwendet werden. Schaum verbände werden zur Exsudat behandlung verwendet und daher haupt sächlich für Wunden mit unterschied lichem Exsudat areal verwendet. Winner Medical, ein profession eller Hersteller von Schaum verband, möchte heute einige Vorsicht maßnahmen für die Schaum behandlung einführen.


Kategorien von Schaum dressings

Foam dressing is soft, flexible, have good compliance, and does not adhere to the wound. Its primary function is to absorb exudate and maintain a wet healing environment. foam dressing is available in different shapes and sizes to suit various sites and wound conditions, and is available with or without adhesive edges. Foam dressings without adhesive edges must be secured with tape or bandages, while foam dressings with adhesive edges can be secured by adhesion to the peri-wound skin, provided that the surrounding skin is intact. Specially shaped foam dressings with adhesive edges are generally used for special anatomical areas such as the sacrococcygeal, elbow, or heel. The vast majority of foam dressings are in the form of sheets, while a small number of foam dressings for cavity wounds are in the form of strips or other shapes.

How does it function?

Die Haupt funktion der Schaum behandlung besteht darin, Exsudat zu absorbieren und ein zuschließen, was eine hohe Saugfähig keit und einen Wund schutz bietet. Schaum verband ist in verschiedenen Größen erhältlich, um Exsudat aus dem Wundbett zu absorbieren und ein zuschließen. Schaum verband Oberflächen sind in der Regel glatt.

Most foam dressings absorb exudate vertically, where the exudate impression of the dressing is seen to follow the shape of the wound, to avoid impregnation of the surrounding skin and to take full advantage of the material's absorbency to provide protection and a stable external recovery environment.

Wie man aus wählt?

The choice of foam dressing depends on the degree of exudation and the location of the wound. foam dressing should not be used on dry necrotic wounds or dry epithelial wounds. Foam dressing from Winner Medical, a manufacturer of high-end medical disposables, has good exudate absorption management and can therefore be used for a longer period with excellent impact on the wound. In practice, the frequency of change should be determined by the amount of exudate in the wound.

Herausragender Dressing-Hersteller: Winner Medical

Winner Medical has a class-leading facility that uses high-end, imported, large-scale industrial-grade equipment to produce its dressings. Two conditions are thus met: consistency in quality control and most important sterility of medical products. This has led to the widespread recognition of their products both at home and abroad. Visit Gewinner Medical's website for more details about their products.

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